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PRODAEC French National Interoperability day

Version française

The PRODAEC French National Interoperability day will be held in Lyon, hosted by Liris, on march 29th 2004. Please find herein the program and practical information.


09h15-10h00 Registration of the participants
10h00-10h15 Welcome, by Parisa Ghodous (Lyon 1 University) and Celson Lima (CSTB)
10h15-11h00 Presentation of the ISO TC 184, by its Chairman, Jean-Marc Chatelard (Vice-President of Schneider Electric)
11h00-11h45 Presentation of the PRODAEC project, by Parisa Ghodous (Lyon 1 University) and Celson Lima (CSTB)
11h45-12h30 Context modelling for data interoperability, by Patrick Brézillon (CNRS)
12h30-14h00 Lunch
14h00-14h45 PSL standards for construction, by Anne-Françoise Cutting Decelle (University of Evry)
14h45-15h30 Interoperability in construction, by Alain Maury (International Alliance for Interoperability)
15h30-15h45 Coffee break
15h45-16h30 Electronic catalogues, by Frédéric Grand (BBS SLAMA)
16h30-17h15 Panel of discussion, introduced by Jean-Michel Dossier (French Ministry for Economy, Finance and Industry)

Practical information

How to come?

The meeting will be held in the Nautibus building, campus of La DOUA, in Villeurbanne. It is located 8th boulevard Niels Bohr once you are inside the campus. You can find here maps of Lyon and its area, and here a map of the campus (the Nautibus building is highlighted in red and refered to as "710").

How to eat with us?

As we have to reserve for lunch at the University staff restaurant, please be kind to advise us as soon as possible of your participation, by sending us an e-mail, indicating your name and organisation, and the number of persons you intend to reserve for. For this, you can click here.

Lunch cannot be offered by the meeting organisation and will be charged €11,11 by person. The restaurant only accepts cash or french checks (but not credit cards) payments.

Any other question?

Feel free to contact Parisa Ghodous or Lionel Médini, responsible for the meeting organisation.